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What are Shortcode and how do you create them?

Do you want to send your emails faster and not waste too much time with manual customization?

MemoMail Shortcode can transform your email marketing strategy!

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What is a Shortcode and how does it work?

The Shortcode is a small piece of code that can be inserted into an email to automatically recall accurate and personalized content.

What is the meaning of this code fragment?

Each Shortcode can be assigned a name that, when called within a written communication, shows the specific information to which it was previously associated.

This may be an expiration date, a name, an amount or an email address. All the elements that need customization can be called in a moment with the Shortcode.

How is it created?

Building a Shortcode is very simple process:

After creating your free Memomail account, you have to go on the page in the section ‘Shortcode’, where the button ‘Create Shortcode’ will appear.

At this point , you can associate a name to the code and it will be inserted into the list of Shortcodes already created previously.

Shortcode are the ideal tool to simplify the process of processing each email.

How to use a Shortcode inside an email?

We can consider as variable the Name of an email recipient:

  • The Shortcode Name will allow the automatic entry of the recipient’s name. For example “Hello Name thank you for choosing our services!”


Or you can consider as variable a Custom link for each recipient:

  • The Shortcode Custom link for each recipient. For example “Click here to confirm your participation: Custom link


The combination of different tools offered by Memomail will allow you to speed up your communications. Create a message templates that include shortcode, check their performance through the appropriate analysis and monitoring tools and make improvements if necessary.

What are the advantages of using Shortcode?

Here are some of the main benefits that can be gained from using this tool, especially in the field of Email Marketing:

  • Automatic personalization: Shortcode allow you to automatically insert specific data (such as the name of the recipient, order details, etc.) in emails, without the need to individually customize each communication,
  • Increased engagement: As emails become more personal and relevant, recipients may feel more engaged and appreciated, which can lead to greater interaction with content (clicks, responses, purchases, etc.),
  • Time saving: Automating the insertion of specific data in emails saves time compared to manual entry of information, which would be much more laborious,
  • Efficiency and scalability: thanks to the Shortcode, it will be possible to manage easily a large volume of communications, ensuring quality and precision to the customer


This feature offered by Memomail allows you to increase the level of efficiency of your communications.

The automatic insertion of specific information does not compromise the user experience, and not only increases the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, but also contributes to a significant time saving.

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